Xham i trajtuar termikisht
Xhama te temperuar.
Xhami I temperuar eshte xham normal, I cili trajtohet ne temperature te larta ne furren e temperimit, cka ben qe xhami te jete me I fort dhe me rezistent.
Karakteristika te xhamit te temperuar:
• Eshte deri ne 5 here me I forte se xhami normal
• Kur thyhet, ne krahasim me xhamin normal I cili pritet ne copa te mprehta dhe te rrezikshme, xhami I temperuar thermohet ne formen e kristaleve te cilat nuk jane te demshme
• Madhesia e kristaleve te thermuara mund ta arrij maksimumin deri ne 0,5 cm2
• Pas procesit te temperimit mbi xham nuk mund te kryhet asnje proces apo punim
History of glass
Glass as a material has existed in the nature of a mixed compound between stones at extremely high temperatures, especially after the volcanic outbreaks. The name is Obsidian (Obsidian), opaque glazed opaque, which is used hundreds of years before for the production of jewelry, bulbs, tools, even for the production of weapons.
The archaeological research in Egypt show that the production of glass began about 7000 years before, but maybe I first glass produced by the state of Babylonian .In old Roman history, sod was the person who became a witness of producing a humanity which came as a result of an accident.
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